If so, we invite you all to attend the Workshop WRITING AND TRANSLATING SKILLS. This workshop would guide you in improving your English or searching a suitable course program to take.
From the workshops you will learn mapping English sentences through SYNBOX formula which is very useful for building and analyzing English sentence in writing, reading and translating. Here, you will learn elements of English sentence and their roles and functions and how to put them to build an English sentence easily. Using SYNBOX formula you will also learn procedures and tricks for translating either from English into Indonesian or from Indonesian into English, You may choose one of the following workshops:
This workshop is a continuation of the first workshops. It discusses about the writing and translation strategies more completely.
This workshop is focused in building English sentences or translating from Indonesian into English. This workshop can be developed into a Short Course with more exercises or practices with the more challenging materials. The workshop duration is between 8 hours to 12 hours as required. The workshop can be held at offices and other institutions or in private program..
This workshop is not free.
This workshop is to learn how to translate official documents such as contracts, agreements, notarial deeds, law / regulations, certificates, bidding documents, insurance and so forth. The workshop will be guided by professional translator or sworn translator.
This workshop is not free.
This program is to vitalize your English with general purposes. With only 8 sessions it will be sufficient to activate and refresh your English
Workshop will be held in Hapsa et Studia, Gedung Arva (Lt Dasar) Jl. RP. Suroso No. 40, Telp. (021) 3915477 / Fax. (021) 3915477 (Gondangdia Lama), Menteng, Jakarta Pusat (accross Paramont restaurant)
For more information you can reach me in masrur_ch@yahoo.com or you can send SMS to Masrur Ch HP: 081316661565, about your name and email address